Software Enginner

Security Expert

A mix of Cybersecurity and coding gives

a unique perspective on software engineering.

Hi there. I'm Amanda! My coding experience started when I was just a wee thing around the age of 6. My parents gladly encouraged the habit, and I went into college with a thorough understanding of coding before I even started my degree in Computer Game and Graphics at Shepherd University. Even with this head start, the schooling gave me a great deal of experience in large scale programming and other aspects of software development.

I graduated in 2016 as a cum laude and spent a few years freelancing and taking care of my ailing father. In 2018, I decided to return to school at the University of Maryland Global Campus to pursue a master’s degree in Cyber Investigation and Digital Forensics. I graduated in 2020 and later that same year started on my PhD at Aspen University. I also currently work at Blue Ridge Community and Technical College as an Adjunct professor. This job I started in August of 2020.